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“As for the seed that fell on rich soil, they are the ones who, when they have heard the word, embrace it with a generous and good heart, and bear fruit through perseverance.”
-Luke 8:15

About Us

Holy Family Farm is a faith-based initiative of Catholic laity.  Our mission is the formation of men between the ages of 18 to 30 for a fulfilling life of faith, commitment, and purpose.  

Inspired by the Holy Family of Nazareth and the charism of the Franciscan Friars, our program of prayer, manual work and learning is lived as community life in a rural farm setting.  Holy Family Farm Inc. is a 501(c)(3) corporation registered in the State of New York.

Why We Began

Why We Began

In late autumn of 2019, two Franciscan friars of the Renewal called together a group of Catholic men to present an idea – indeed, an inspiration.  That is, opening a farm dedicated to the spiritual and human formation of young men.  Based upon their experience the many young men who come to New York to discern their call to religious life, they shared a mutual concern.  This concern was presented as a question; namely: “While the young men who desire religious life certainly have both faith and enthusiasm – do they have the capacity to do what they desire?”  


The simple question led to quite a discussion about the challenges young people face today due to the ill-effects of technology and social media.  All the men recognized in their sons, nephews, or grandsons a certain “lack” or “disability” often the result of a technology – especially social media. For example: poor communication skills, ignorance or even an aversion to manual work, fear in facing life’s many challenges, and being faithful to simple daily responsibilities. They questioned, “What will the future hold for them? Indeed, what will the future hold for us?”


That evening, the idea of “Holy Family Farm” quickly began to take root and soon would take shape.  While the inspiration began with the friars, it would faith-filled laity who would accept this work as their mission. In short time, a committee was created which would become a corporate board.  Within months, Holy Family Farm became a 501-C3 corporate entity and the search for appropriate property began.


It would take two full years of searching for a suitable property with an appropriate residence. While many hours and miles were spent scouring Western Pennsylvania, looking for property our search finally ended in Sullivan County, New York. Call it coincidence - perhaps providence – but we found a beautiful residence on 60 acres which directly borders the Saint Francis Retreat Center of the Franciscans Friars of the Renewal.  On March 4th, 2022, Deacon Andy, president of the corporate board, and Fr. Glenn walked with key in hand from the retreat center to our new home!  Please come and visit!



It is our desire that Holy Family Farm will provide an opportunity for men in their 20s and 30s an opportunity to live an intentional way of life in Catholic community. It is neither a rehab nor therapeutic community to heal from past wounds, but a way of life which helps prepare a man to move forward. Whether it is marriage or a monastery – or every calling in between – Holy Family Farm provides the time and space to prayerfully discern and properly decide “the next step” It is a place where a man’s faith is supported and nourished; living, working, and praying together in a rural setting. 


Our Faith

We think, we believe, and we act according to the moral and doctrinal precepts of our Catholic faith.  Under the blessing of and obedience to the local bishop, everything about Holy Family Farm will promulgate fidelity with the Holy Father and the universal Church.  While Holy Family Farm will welcome young men of other faiths, all residents will be required to fully participate in the prayer life and spiritual values lived on the farm

Our Faith


The Farm community is directed by Fr. Glenn Sudano, CFR, a member of the Franciscan Friars of the Renewal. Fr. Glenn resides at the farm, providing leadership, and spiritual guidance for both the staff (core community) and the residents. Fr. Glenn provides the sacraments – especially Holy Mass and Confession together with spiritual direction and pastoral counseling.

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Board of Directors

Hazel Aiello:  Hazel is a Publisher, wife, and mother of two residing in Somerset County, New Jersey.  Hazel is grateful for her Catholic upbringing in the Philippines and is blessed to be a CFR Lay Associate at Most Blessed Sacrament Friary in Newark.  She is privileged to serve as the Secretary of the Board.


Bill Haney: Bill is a retired financial services executive and a devout Catholic, currently engaged in multiple church-based volunteer ministries. Bill is a trained engineer with a diverse professional background on Wall Street and Main Street. Bill and his wife Mary live in Westchester, where they raised three beautiful, now adult daughters.







Deacon Andy Zucaro.  Deacon Andy is the founder and president of AZCO Corp., a manufacturing company located in Fairfield, NJ. After getting his Master’s Degree in Theology from Seton Hall University Seminary, he was ordained as a permanent deacon in the Catholic Church in June 2016. He and his wife Lori have been blessed with three children and six grandchildren. Deacon Andy is on the Board of Holy Family Farm as the Servant of Servants.









John Synoski

Board of Directors
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